The Council's work is driven by an approved Five-Year-Plan, which is determined with the feedback from people with developmental disabilities, their families, and their communities.
The current goals of the Council
Goal #1 Individual/Family Advocacy
An increased number of citizens with Developmental Disabilities and families are better able to access services, influence policy, communicate needs, and build relationships in their communities.
Goal #2 Systems Change
An increased number of citizens with developmental disabilities, family members, professionals, organizations, policymakers and the public are better able to advocate for positive systems change to increase independence, productivity, and inclusion in community life.
Goal #3 Capacity Building
Citizens with developmental disabilities, family members, professionals, organizations, policymakers, and the public will have increased information about disability issues, services and supports so they can access the services and supports and advocate for themselves and needed systems change.
The Council's Areas of Emphasis
The Council is guided by the Areas of Emphasis as outlined in the DD Act.
Child Care
Quality Assurance (Self-Advocacy, Abuse Prevention, Accountability, etc.)
Community Services (Family Support, Workforce, Waiver Services, Natural Supports, Cultural Diversity, etc.)